
You Can Help

St Mary's Cathedral is a parish church, the mother church of the Diocese of Middlesbrough, a hub supporting varied outreach work, a venue for cultural events and a place of peace and tranquillity.

It is part of the religious and cultural heritage of Middlesbrough, Teesside and the Diocese of Middlesbrough.

We need your support in order to continue this work.

Regular Giving

Having responsibility for a piece of our heritage – such as St Mary’s – carries a financial burden.

Regular giving in the bedrock of all we do. With your help, we can ensure that the Cathedral continues to thrive and grow for the benefit of future generations. All are welcome in this place.

Your regular giving helps cover the day-to-day costs of running the Cathedral as a place of worship and an open house for the people of Middlesbrough.

The Cathedral is a hub for a great deal of outreach work that benefits from all Cathedral facilities as a core part of our Christian life.

There are several ways you can choose to pay regularly:

Donate online: click here

For help setting up a standing order: Click here

You can give each week at Sunday Mass

Consider leaving a legacy as part of your will. Read below for more.

The Cathedral Building Fund

St Mary’s Cathedral is part of the cultural heritage of Teesside.  It is the culmination of the vision and ambition of a few, combined with the generosity of many. It has been a sanctuary of prayer and peacefulness for many generations and for many more to come.

In addition to the daily costs, there are several large refurbishment and maintenance projects to undertake in the coming years:

There are several ways you can donate to the Cathedral Building Fund:

Donate directly to the building fund:

The Diocese of Middlesbrough MDT St Mary's Cathedral Building Account

Sort code: 20-56-90

Account No: 00663468

For help setting up a standing order: Click here

Consider leaving a legacy as part of your will. Read below for more.

Outreach Work

Being generous to others is one of our core values. As a parish, we are able to support so many ministries thanks to your continued generosity.

The parishioners of Saint Mary’s Cathedral have supported many local and international causes over the years with generous financial donations and practical help and support.

To build upon this firm foundation and to further our mission to help our brothers and sisters in need, a ‘Justice and Peace Group’ for the Parish was formed in 2011.

Since we began the group, more than £100,000 has been donated to help many different projects and causes, from funds raised from our dedicated Justice & Peace collections and the proceeds of social events and other fundraising activities.

Click here to find out more.

There are several ways you can make a donation to support our outreach work:

Make a donation directly to the Food Parcel Fund: 

St Mary's Cathedral Food Parcels Fund

Sort Code: 53-50-15

Account No: 50761188


IBAN: GB56NWBK53501550761188

Consider leaving a legacy as part of your will. Read below for more.

Leaving a Legacy in Your Will

Remembering the Cathedral in your will is a very personal and significant way you could help. Please consider whether you could help in this way.  Leaving a legacy is fast becoming a very popular way of helping others. Legacies make a big difference, enabling St Mary’s to continue its missions.  However large or small, whether a fixed percentage of your estate or a cash gift, you will help. 

Wills are best made through a solicitor, and we suggest you discuss this with your family and financial advisor if you are considering helping the Cathedral in this way.

Legacies are free of inheritance tax, so all you need to do is tell your solicitor that you would like to leave a legacy to us.

For further information, contact Dan Woodgate, Diocesan Fundraiser, at

Thank you.

Gift Aid

For taxpayers, making a Gift Aid declaration enables the parish (as part of a recognised charity, number 233748) to claim back tax that has been paid.

This means that for every £1 you give, the Cathedral receives an additional 25p in reclaimed tax.

Gift Aid can be applied to donations received from all of the giving options listed above, with the exception of a legacy.

Thank you.